Our Team
We are specialist guiding in Chilean Andes with great rate of success in Ojos del Salado and other Andean summit in South America.

Guillermo Palma
Chief Guide at High Mountain, and the brains behind all of our support and services provided by our fine mountain guides agency. Accounting with more than 16 years in experience leading expeditions across the ultimate summits of Chile and the far altitudes of South America. As soon as he majored in Ecotourism at Instituto del Medio Ambiente [IDMA (Chile)], Guillermo, without missing a shot, became a safety-expert in Avalanche Operations at the Canadian Avalanche Association [CAA]. Quickly complementing -back in Chile- [his learnings] at [the] Escuela Nacional de Montaña [ENAM] with the WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDING [WFR] certification, by NOLS and VIAL Adventure [Chile]. Some of his most highlighted summits are Aconcagua, Ojos del Salado, Huascaran, Llullaillaco, Little Alpamayo, Illimani, Condoriri, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, among other remarkable summits in South America.

Carolina Soto
Ecotourism Technician and Personal Trainer. Co-founder of High Mountain, Carolina has been a corner stone to the company, managing all support and communications directly with our guides on the field, porters, transport, lodging and clients. She is currently running High Mountain’s rental department, supplying and deploying gear and equipment for expedition activities and to the mountain community in Chile.

Cristian Ordenes
Leading Guide to HM. Loves new challenges, as he is constantly perfecting himself and pushing himself up to new levels with his technique climbing both rock and ice. Always going to new places, Cristian has a thing for unusual and far regions of America. He is the leading guide to most [of our] expeditions to Ojos del Salado. Since 1999, when he majored in Ecotourism at Universidad Andres Bello, Cristian never stopped climbing [ever since]. He is [also] licensed by the WFR certification, rescue, and both rock and ice climbing in Volcanes del sur School with UIAGM Trainer. Gaining much of his experience through many expeditions across Chile and South America. Crowning many of the highest summits such as Ojos del Salado, Pissis, Huascaran, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Illimani, Condoriri, to name a few.

Álvaro Donoso
Former Chilean Army asset, walked away from his military career once he got acquainted with the mountain experience, committing completely to mountaineering and rock climbing. Constantly outranking himself, he is always on the look for a higher challenge, proving himself better every time. He’s shown great skills as a mountain-cook, delighting everybody with his well elaborated dishes. Since his early beginning at High Mountain, Alvaro has proved himself a major support on logistics development towards our client’s safety and satisfaction. He has achieved great ascensions over the Ojos del Salado sector, and Nevado Tres Cruces.

Carlos Fouilloux
Graduated as Teacher and Mountain Guide, Carlos has more than 20 years of experience in the mountains, both in a sporting and professional way, organizing and leading high mountain expeditions, as well as scientific operations all over the Andes. Carlos was trained as a mountain guide in Mendoza, Argentina, where both, the Cordón del Plata and Mount Aconcagua were his school and practice playground. He has climbed more than 150 different summits, more than 15 peaks over 6,000 meters, and has accomplished first ascents and opened new routes in emblematic mountains, such as the southeast wall of the classic Cerro Plomo. At Aconcagua he started from scratch, first as a porter in expeditions, later on as supporting guide, until finally becoming an independent expedition leader. Currently based in southern Chile, he divides his time between guided ascents on Aconcagua and Ojos del Salado, winter ascents in the southern volcanic zone and Patagonia. Carlos is a member of the National Association of Mountain Guides (ANGM).

Julián Muñoz
Adventure Tourism Technician titled Duoc Uc and Irata L1, he decided to dedicate himself to working in Environmental Education, Expedition Logistics and industrial jobs. His extensive experience in mountain cooking and organization of altitude camps make Julian a reliable element in long mountain expeditions. He also works as an assistant guide in the Ojos del Salado Volcano, a milestone that he has managed to ascend on more than one occasion, as well as other ascents in central Chile and Bolivia.

Katherine Herrera
Graduated from Tourism Services Technician career at Sara Blinder Dargoltz High School and from Translation and Interpreting career at Universidad de las Américas. She completed her professional internship of the Tourism career with us at the end of 2015 as a Management Assistant and being support in the expeditions, store and rental areas. She is currently the General Assistant of the expeditions area, carrying out different support tasks in logistics, organization and review of various company documents. She stands out for being a detailed person, who always seeks order and good organization to provide the best service to people.

Silio Chinchay
Silio, a very important member of our team, was born in Huaraz, Peru. He embodies the cuisine that every expedition wishes. He is an irreplaceable travel partner due to his friendly personality, outstanding culinary skills and willingness to help. He is a master in the kitchen, and also an exceptionally strong porter and assistant. He is a pillar of support during the Ojos del Salado season, and then he returns to Peru to lead the more technical expeditions in the Cordillera Blanca in winter months.